Manusia Ajaib Mirin Dajo Tetap Hidup Walau Tertusuk Pedang - Indonesian Hoaxes | Membongkar Kebohongan

Manusia Ajaib Mirin Dajo Tetap Hidup Walau Tertusuk Pedang - Indonesian Hoaxes | Membongkar Kebohongan

Isi Klaim (berbagai versi) :

"The Man who could survive being impaled by a Sword."

"Amazing! Man Stabbed With a Sword!"

"Human Pincushion: Mirin Dajo."

"Miracle Man - Mirin Dajo."

"Miracle Man Mirin Dajo Could Survive Being Stabbed With a Sword."

Hoax atau Fakta :

Mix antar Fakta dan Hoax.

Analisis :

Warning: Pictures and videos in this article are disturbing. Trying it can be life threatening.

Various pictures, stories and videos in circulation online since many years claim to show a man called Mirin Dajo who could miraculously survive being impaled by a Sword! Yes, it is a fact that Mirin Dajo was able to pierce sword and other pointed objects through his body, but it was no miracle as such and can be explained scientifically.

Mirin Dajo and His 'Miracle' :

Born in 1912, Dutchman Arnold Gerritt Johannes Henskes was an artist and designer with a paranormal bent. He adopted a stage name called Mirin Dajo, which apparently means "wonder" in Esperanto, and became popular in the 1940s for radically piercing his body with many kinds of sharp objects like a 28 inch sword and fencing foils. During the disturbing events, there used to be little or no bloodshed, and the medical community at the time was astounded. Doctor examinations with x-rays confirmed the weapons were in fact penetrating Mirin Dajo's body, missing his major organs somehow.

Mirin Dajo left his job and went to Amsterdam, hanging around pubs and making money by allowing people to pierce his body with dagger-like objects. He said that his body was "invulnerable," and that God was using him to show people that there was a better, higher force beyond the materialistic world - that materialism only results in misery and war (it was World War II period). He moved to Switzerland in 1947, where he was granted a license to show his amazing ability, but without the ability to speak to the public. Mirin Dajo paired up with his Dutch neighbor Jan Dirk de Groot, who said Dajo had several guardian angels, was telepathic, and could also heal people.

Death :

On 11 May 1948, Mirin Dajo said that he was instructed by the guardian voices to eat a long steel needle that would be surgically removed. He did it, and two days later it was surgically removed on 13 May 1948. But in less than two weeks, Dajo began to feel ill and died in his hotel room on 26 May 1948, at an early age of around 35. Autopsy of Mirin Dajo's body revealed he had died of an Aortic rupture, and notably, there were numerous scars all over his body and internal organs. Mirin Dajo also alleged that he was burnt with red-hot pokers and was even shot in the head at close range, but autopsy of his body did not show any such signs.

Mirin Dajo Explained :

The piercing of sword and other sharp objects through Mirin Dajo's body without much harm was considered as supernatural by some people, but all that could be explained in medical terms. As mentioned in the two videos, Mirin Dajo apparently used to visit India often and learn tactics from fakirs and mystics who perform similar but much less dramatic feats. It is a known fact that some fakirs in India pierce their own bodies like the westerners pierce their ears and other body parts. Scientifically speaking, Mirin Dajo must have been employing the abnormal concept of Fistula, i.e. making a tunnel of scar tissue and keeping it open by having something inserted through it so that it won’t close up (similar to an earring). Some pictures show Mirin Dajo's back has some holes and scars, which are probably failed fistulas when bones, nerves or major organs must have blocked the piercing trials.

Moreover, it was found that anaesthetized animals can also survive such piercing ordeal well. For example, a knife can be pierced into the head of an anaesthetized hen/cock without killing it; the trick is to push it through head without touching the brain. In case of humans too, there are people who have survived dangerous accidents when pointed metal objects pierce through their bodies. But Mirin Dajo seems to have attained a higher pain threshold than normal, although a close look at one point of the video (last picture in Image Gallery) will reveal he was sweating a lot with slight discomfort visible on his face.

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