[DISTURBING PICTURE] Kanibalisme Di Thailand! - Indonesian Hoaxes | Membongkar Kebohongan
Isi Klaim (4 Versi):
"share the limit of brutality
Buddhist's Eating Muslim Body in Burma...AE ALLAH HUM MUSALMANO KO IS ZULUM SE NIKAL...AAMEEN
we are so helpless ....
plx pray for them .."
"Photographs show people in Thailand carving up and consuming a human body!Photos purported to be Thai people eating a black man.
I doubt those photos are real. This must be a show or something. You can see those people are smiling when they are cutting human parts. I won't believe a regular person would do this without a fear. Please comment. Those aren't Chinese. Their clothes have one Chinese word also with some other languages (I believe they are Indonesian). Therefore, I suspect they are Indonesian. It is disgusting."
"Ketika menyaksikan foto ini, saya berharap bahwa semua ini adalah bukan foto nyata dan hanya foto rekayasa atau hoax saja. Karena jika foto-foto ini benar dan memang sebuah kenyataan berarti manusia sedang menghadapi tragedi yang sangat memilukan, dimana manusia menyembelih, menguliti dan memasak daging manusia seperti melakukannya terhadap binatang dan setelah itu mereka memakannya bersama-sama dalam suasana pesta. Menurut www.seniqq.com kejadian ini terjadi di Thailand. Sumber tersebut menyatakan bahwa ini adalah sebuah ritual sesat pemuja Iblis yang terjadi di negara tersebut.Silahkan pembaca menilainya sendri, namun kalau dilihat dari detail foto-foto yang ada terlihat bahwa foto-foto ini adalah foto yang sangat realistis, susah bagi orang untuk merekayasa foto hingga jadi foto seperti ini. Silahkan anda menilainya sendiri dan simpulkan sesuai yang anda pahami tentang fotografi tersebut."
"Foto-foto inj menunjukkan orang-orang di Thailand sedang memotong dan memakan tubuh manusia!Rumornya foto ini adalah orang Thai sedang memakan seorang pria kulit hitam.
Aku tidak yakin tentang hal ini. Anda dapat melihat orang-orang yang tersenyum ketika mereka memotong bagian tubuh manusia. Saya tidak percaya orang biasa akan melakukan hal ini tanpa rasa takut. Tolong beri komentar. Mereka bukan orang China walaupun di pakaian mereka ada tulisan kata China juga dengan beberapa bahasa lain (saya percaya mereka Indonesia). Oleh karena itu, saya menduga mereka adalah orang Indonesia. Ini menjijikkan. "
Hoax atau Fakta :
Mix antara Fakta dan HOAX.
Penyebar Hoax :
Analisis :
Foto-foto yang bagi sebagian orang dianggap mengerikan ini beredar pertama kali pada bulan Agustus 2009, biasanya disertai dengan klaim bahwa orang-orang tersebut adalah Kanibal masa kini di negara Asia (misalnya Cina, Indonesia dan Thailand) yang sedang bergembira memotong dan memakan tubuh seorang pria berkulit gelap. Gambar-gambar yang tampak nyata dan kurangnya informasi yang jelas itulah sehingga memudahkan pembaca menganggap apa yang mereka lakukan adalah sebuah ritual atau upacara memakan daging, tapi gambar ini sebenarnya menggambarkan hal lain.
Ketika diklarifikasi, perwakilan dari Royal Thai Embassy menjelaskan dalam menanggapi pertanyaan tentang foto-foto ini, bahwa gambar tersebut adalah bentuk Tradisi Upacara oleh Buddhis :
"I have received a query from you regarding the file called 'Metlholo' that has been circulated around and causing fears. The file contains photos of a group of people dissected a corspe in an open field. For your perusal, I would like to send herewith the facts regarding the abovementioned photos as follows:The photos were taken on 13 March 2009 at a cemetery in a southwestern province of Thailand (Prachaub Khiri Khan Province). For people who practice Buddhism in Thailand, there are two religious rituals to honour the deceased: the first is to cremate the body, and the second is to bury the body. For Buddhists in Thailand,
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the burial of the deceased is not as widely-practiced as cremation. Buddhists are normally buried rather than cremated when they have no relatives, or when their relatives cannot afford to pay for the cremation.Cemeteries in rural provinces in Thailand often run out of space as a result of too many bodies being buried in limited amount of land. So the Buddhists in Thailand practice a religious tradition called "Lang Pa Cha" (which means "the cleaning and tidying of the cemetery"), where volunteers will dig up bodies that were unclaimed by any relatives and cremate them to honour their spirits in accordance with the Buddhist religious rites. Such a ritual is considered to be a good deed and a merit-making process.
At every "Lang Pa Cha" religious ritual, a large number of unclaimed bodies is always found. (In the case of the photos taken here, 64 unclaimed bodies were found.) To cremate a whole body takes a long time, so only the bones of the unclaimed bodies are cremated. Thus the reason for the dissection of the flesh from the bodies as you have seen in the photos.
The volunteers in this ritual are mostly medical staff or emergency response crews who are the first unit to arrive at accident scenes to save lives (easily identifiable by their blue-and-white uniforms and ID cards). They are used to seeing dead bodies, and that is why they look nonchalant in the photos.
According to Buddhist tradition, the volunteers who participate in this religious ritual must be on a strictly vegetarian diet in order to cleanse their minds both before and after the ritual. The images of the volunteers cooking and having their lunch just show the preparation of a normal vegetarian lunch and have no connection to the deceased body or the dissected flesh.
The circulation of the images is thus an ill-intended attempt meant to mislead the public into believing that one race of human will commit genocide or inhuman acts against another and thus create fear and hatred. The deceased body shown in the photos is a Thai male with a dark complexion (which had been even darker after his death), not an African male.
I hope this email provides you with factual information regarding this ill-intended document and photos."
Jadi, klaim yang beredar sesungguhnya tidak benar. Dokumentasi tersebut hanya sebuah seremoni atau tradisi keagamaan yang disebut 'Metlholo'. Jika sudah membicarakan tradisi, maka disini bukan lagi hak kami untuk berkomentar, karena sejatinya kita harus menghormati tradisi setiap orang di seluruh dunia.
Dokumentasi lengkap, silahkan kunjungi tautan berikut :
CMIIW and Typo.
Sikapi dengan bijak, semoga bermanfaat.
Salam Internet Sehat!
Referensi :
- http://strange-omniverse.blogspot.com/2011/08/18.html
- http://www.bangkokpost.com/print/391320/
- http://www.saengphradham.org/index.php/en/information/cceremony?showall=1&limitstart
- https://digital.lib.washington.edu/researchworks/handle/1773/16630/browse?value=lang+pa+cha&type=subject
- http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache%3AK8usth9k4hEJ%3Awww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FWTF%2Fcomments%2F2y11h1%2Fpreparing_a_body_for_burial_thai_style%2F+&cd=9&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=id
- https://digital.lib.washington.edu/researchworks/handle/1773/16630/browse?value=lang+pa+cha&type=subject
- http://www.saengphradham.org/index.php/en/information/cceremony?showall=1&limitstart
- http://www.porjati.net/victims/page%2C1%2C2%2C1899-kannibalizm.html
- Dari berbagai sumber
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